We design cost-effective BMPs to meet minimum lead agency standards for post-construction urban runoff.

A Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) or Standard Urban Stormwater Mitigation Plan (SUSMP) is typically required by local agencies to address post-construction urban runoff, stormwater and non-stormwater pollution from new development and significant redevelopment projects. Typical pollutants of concern include suspended solids/sediment, nutrients, metals, microbial pathogens (bacteria and viruses), oil and grease, toxic organic compounds, trash and debris.

These plans must incorporate low impact development (LID) in the design of improvement plans that emphasizes conservation and use of existing site features integrated with distributed stormwater controls that are designed to more closely mimic natural hydrologic patterns of undeveloped sites than traditional stormwater management controls. Components of LID are considered to be preventative, in that they prevent or reduce runoff from occurring by reducing the elements of development that produce runoff. Other elements of LID are considered to be mitigative, in that they are used to manage runoff that is generated. Typically, a post-construction water quality management plan will recommend structural, design and non-structural BMPs that include:

  • Hydromodification controls (e.g., onsite detention like an infiltration trench)
  • Hydrogeologic source controls (e.g., onsite biotreatment like a stormwater planter)
  • Treatment controls (e.g., clarifier)
  • Source controls (e.g., good housekeeping, secondary containment)

We work directly with small local manufacturers of stormwater treatment products that cost about half as the other big guys.