If the total surface area of disturbance exceeds one acre, or is part of another common plan of development (e.g., phased tract community), your project may be required to obtain coverage under the Construction General Permit (Order No. 2022-0057-DWQ) prior to construction. If your project is under one acre, you may be required to prepare a Water Pollution Control Program (WPCP). We will provide a proposal that includes a fixed fee (most common) or not-to-exceed budget to prepare a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP).

The 5 steps to breaking ground:


Step 1

Evaluate your site based on available plans or by site visit and conduct a risk assessment and also see if we can justify the project to qualify for an erosivity waiver based on your project schedule. If not, we will do our best to justify the lowest risk level by considering site specific factors such as soil characteristics and existing topography.

Step 2

Prepare a water pollution control drawing using your improvement plan (grading, demolition, utility, etc.) as base maps. If you don’t have these, we’ll find something. We’ll ask you what types of BMPs you prefer or we’ll suggest some that are cost-effective and easy to maintain.

Step 3

Prepare a SWPPP per the local agency’s and State’s requirements, using an approved template (CASQA, CALTRANS, local agency, or our own customized template to fit your project’s needs.

Step 4

Assist you or the Owner with completing the NOI and uploading the SWPPP to the SMARTS system.

Step 5

Prepare a SWPPP per the local agency’s and State’s requirements.