Established in 2006, HERTZ Environmental is a registered small business enterprise (SBE) headquartered in both northern and southern California and provides environmental consulting services related to the industrial and construction industry everywhere in California and most other states.

Although HERTZ has provided many different types of services related to environmental protection, its main focus have been compliance with the Construction General Permit for Storm Water Discharges Associated with Construction Activity (State Water Resources Control Board Order No. 2022-0057-DWQ) in California, which includes the preparation of storm water pollution prevention plans (SWPPPs), contractor training and providing ongoing site inspections, sampling & analysis and State reporting. HERTZ is composed of a seasoned staff of trainers of record (TORs), Qualified SWPPP Developers and Practitioners, and professional engineers.

HERTZ has successfully prepared over 1,000 stormwater pollution prevention plans within or under budget for a variety of different construction projects. HERTZ has also been contracted during the middle or end of active construction projects to correct mistakes by others or resolve violations or actions by the regional water quality control board. HERTZ’s proactive relationship with each waterboard for the past 17 years has benefited our clients with expediting permit coverage and resolving action notices.

Additional services include ongoing Permit compliance support, training of agency and contractor staff to independently implement SWPPPs, reviewing and modifications to SWPPPs performed by others, and effectively interpret Permit requirements when conflict arises between involved parties.

If you are interested in having HERTZ Environmental join your team and would like our Statement of Qualifications for an upcoming bid, please contact Robb Hertz directly at (310) 415-0716 or email robb@hertzenvironmental.com.